Q.1 Which is suitable place for Geothermal Energy ?
 Ans : Manikaran

 Q.2 Which city have lowest Height above sea level ?
 Ans: Delhi 

Q.3 DRDO was established in year... ? 
Ans : 1958

 Q.4 Ozone layer is found in ?
 Ans: Stratospher

 Q.5 Which counntry is known as "Land of rising sun" ? 
Ans: Japan

 Q.6 Core of the earth is considered to comprise of ?
 Ans: Iron and Nickel

 Q.7 Sachin tendulkar is nominated as Rajya Sabha member for which sphere ?
  Ans: Art 

 Q.8 Rail is currency of ?
 Ans: Iran

 Q.9 What is Nishant ? 
 Ans: UAV 

 Q.10 Secretrait of SAARC is located at ? 
Ans: Kathmandu 

 Q.11 Spherical shape of Rain droplet is due to ?
 Ans: Surface tension

Q.12 Mohiniattam is folk daance of ?
 Ans: Kerala