Cool Facts About Viruses

1.Because viruses are such simple organisms made up of just genetic code (DNA or RNA) and a protein shell, some scientist feel that they should not be classified as living. They may be an intermediate step between organic chemicals and more complex living cells like bacteria.

2. Viruses are extremely small, only 20 to 250 nanometres in size so thousands of them could fit into one cell, but don’t let them in they will just wreck the place and leave a mess.

3. Viruses can’t reproduce by themselves they always take over living cells in plants, and animals.

4.Just because they are always parasitic doesn’t mean that they are all bad for humans sometimes they attack bacteria that is harmful to us. So it is a classic ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ situation.

5. Many viruses cause disease, viruses cause colds, flu, chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, and even HIV, which causes AIDS, is a virus. They are nasty and unlike bacterial infection it is very hard to treat viral infections.

6.There are two types of viruses depending on the type of genetic material forms their method of replication. DNA Viruses are fairly stable because it make good copies of itself which means doctors can take a dead or weakened version and put it in your body and your body will learn to defend itself from that type of infection. RNA Viruses are less stable populations because they make frequent mistakes in making copies of itself that means that diseases caused by RNA type viruses are hard to vaccinate against and change very quickly. That is why a new flu vaccine is needed every year.

7 . Vaccinations for some diseases were so effective the disease is no longer present in the population, small pox, which is a very deadly disease, was eliminated this way, People who get vaccinated even protect those who are not vaccinated because they don’t provide a place for the disease to multiply and spread from. Depending on the virus and how it is spread if 85-95% of the population get vaccinated everyone will benefit from ‘herd immunity’, that is really what it is called so don’t laugh.

8.Colds are caused by viruses but there is no vaccine because there are literally thousands of viruses that cause colds, so it looks like chicken soup for you and some nice bed rest.

9.Viruses are usually adapted to live in a certain type of host animal of plant but if a mutation allows it to jump species the results can be devastating because non of the new host population has any immunity to the new virus and so the initial infection can spread very quickly and be very dangerous until people start to develop immunity.

10. Viruses can not reproduce without a host so they are most often spread by sneezing, coughing, or by touching someone who is infected – That is why it is important to wash your hands regularly and sneeze or cough into a tissue or your hand. It is also vital to avoid people who are not following these basic rules because one person can infect thousands.